
Salinity: what's really in the water?

Salinity: what's really in the water?

When I first started to live on Thompson Island I often said that I "didn't emotionally understand the ocean." I could explain how the moon's gravitational pull makes the water move around the globe, but when I would stand on the shore I would think "how do I know the ocean is going to keep going down or coming up?" It may sound silly for those with tons of ocean experience, but it felt like someone who had never seen the sun rise and set.

To get to know the ocean a little better, I try to spend a part of each day just listening to it. My view is often like the picture below with such a great sight of the City on the Hill (well, technically three but who's counting). Besides the tides, one of the biggest differences of living in the harbor vs Diablo Lake in Washington is the smell of salt.

But what really is salinity? How does it work?